At CCNE, it’s our mission to make disciples of Christ. In our Women’s Ministry, we strive to continue that focus by meeting regularly for Bible Study, fellowship with one another, and outreach to the community. It’s our heart to build real relationships that are transparent among the women of the church. We all come from different backgrounds, but we all share one common goal… knowing Christ deeper.
Current Bible Studies
Thursday Mornings (weekly): 9:30 am in person – childcare available.

Other Events
Throughout the year, we host many ladies’ events including game nights, ladies’ retreats, and our annual Christmas Brunch. Check out our upcoming CCNE events below.
Embrace Grace is a Bible Study for women facing unplanned pregnancies. For more info on this ministry, visit our EG page by clicking below.

Have a question or would you like to get involved?
Ladies Bible Study is always open to all women! Contact our Women’s Ministry Overseers, Ashley Aschleman and Shannon McNulty, with any questions!